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What is an OBM & How Do They Help Your Business

According to the book, Becoming an Online Business Manager, the definition of an Online Business Manager (OBM) is:

"A virtually based support professional who manages online based businesses, including the day-to-day management of projects, operations, team members, and metrics."

  • This professional business manager runs the company’s daily operations which gives the business owner the time and freedom in the business to focus on strategic growth.

  • OBMs give the business owner time to be the CEO and to focus on what they love about their business. .

  • The OBM, drives the business forward by "getting IT done" while the owner focuses on growing and scaling.

  • OBMs oversee and drive forward the people, processes, systems, and strategy of the company

How OBMs serve small businesses (+ more):

Small businesses are focused on growing and scaling, but there is a lot to do when you wear all the hats. When you're ready to take your business to the next level, it can be overwhelming. Where do you magically find the time? Or how do you do something that maybe isn't even in your skillset?

We say it often, but each of us should be focused on what we are really good at and what we really enjoy doing. When it's time for you to grow, hiring on an Online Business Manager can really take you to the next level. OBMs are trained and experienced in project management and process improvement, and we are really ridiculously organized too ;)

Why did we decide to move into the OBM space?

Honestly, we enjoy the work. We did Operations Management for over 10 years in the Corporate world,

including managing teams, managing projects, designing workflows and improving the business processes. The company we worked for had the highest of standards, and we left with some serious skills & an appetite to make things better with everything we touch.

When you invest so much time & energy into a skillset, it's hard to just let that all go. Soooo, we decided not to.

After working on projects with our clients over the last few years without officially being in this space, we decided to really dive in and focus on something we can honestly say we are really really good at. And when you find that intersection of what you are good at and what you enjoy, BOOM, magic happens!

If you're ready to drive your business forward but either

a) don't have time

b) want an expert, you have come to the right place.​

We will drive your business forward by managing your projects, team growth, processes improvements and more.

Interested in learning more about we can help you drive forward? Visit us at


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